This year we will again be asking for nominations of new PEI Powermoms of 2021!
Do you know someone who had a baby in 2021? Send us an email before Dec 1, 2021 and we will put her name on the list to receive a Christmas Stocking! Let us know why you think she is a PEI Powermom and how to contact you and her. You can reach us at: or call 902-393-6047 for more information.
Here is what others said about last year’s Campaign (Click here)
In honor of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day we decided to ask for nominations for the best PEI Powermoms and the best PEI LIFE Superdads! We had several nominations and we were able to choose mom on Mother’s Day and one dad on Father’s Day.
Our PEI Powermom received a Food basket in the value of $250 to feed and share with her family and friends. The old adage that if you give a woman a house, she will make a home rings true that when you give a woman food, she will make a meal -providing love and life for her table! We received nominations for grandmothers, moms of many and mom’s of one, young and old! It was an absolute delight to honor this year’s winner, Jacquelyn, a PEI mom of five and three grandbabies with this basket made possible by a generous donor. Each of the nominees received a beautiful certificate of appreciation from PEI LIFE for their gift of continued LIFE on PEI!
Our PEI LIFE Superdad, was chosen from a strong list of superdad candidates! These men are simply great! Granddads, dads, husbands, step-dads and all round superior fathers! Our winner Tim received 2 T-bone steaks donated by KJL Meats, 2 bottles of BBQ sauce and a PEI LIFE Superdad apron! All PEI LIFE Superdad candidates received a certificate of appreciation but in the end, guys, there can only be one!
Watch for our call for nominations next year to send in the name of your favorite PEI Powermom or PEI LIFE Superdad! There are so many great ones out there!