PEI Life speaks on LIFE-Issues that affect Islanders in a serious or grave manner. Speaking LIFE is helping others choose LIFE, to choose the good, to desire the good of my neighbour so that all not only survive but thrive and flourish in dignity worthy of the human person. As such it means we cannot agree with certain practices prevalent in our day and age. In all things we will recommend LIFE-affirming solutions to the challenges and struggles of life. We are convinced that circumstances are not immutable and can be altered to ease the fear, despair and anxiety many feel when confronted by LIFE challenging events.
When LIFE and LIFE-sustaining, LIFE-dignifying, and LIFE-ennobling choices are presented then those in crisis can find hope and move towards a better future. Such an attitude to LIFE allows all humans to find community and support. By this we mean not only the one in crisis, such as the unexpectedly pregnant mother or the vulnerable fearing abandonment in their illness, dependency or weakness but also the family members, friends and colleagues who are seeking words and means to stand-by their loved ones in times of crisis and to be that witness for LIFE.
Some of the major issues we face in our society are:
Abortion– this is the intentional ending of the life of the unborn child. From the moment of creation when egg and sperm join, a human person is deserving of LIFE and all protections. Science proves this is a human being and as such the child even in this early stage of development must be accorded the dignity worthy of humanity.
There are several methods to this devastating act of abortion which involve surgical procedure or chemical procedure known as the abortion pill. In Canada there is no law restricting the use of abortion. This means a woman can end the life of her child throughout all 9 months.
As of 2017, surgical abortions are preformed in PEI at the Prince County Hospital up to 14 week or medically through prescribing the abortion pill up to 10 weeks. If the baby is developed beyond those dates abortions are provided in Moncton or Halifax u to 16 weeks. A later term abortion must be sought at a larger hospital due to the severe nature of such a decision. There are many negative side-effects to both medical and surgical abortions, the most grave of which is the death of the human baby, further there is the risk of a multitude of physical and emotional health issues for the mother, and in the case of the abortion pill, which is taken at home, bleeding, trauma, and isolation of a woman in need of medical care.
The exploitation of women in a crisis about her pregnancy is evident in much of the pro-abortion information. A very disturbing fact is that in PEI as a minor you do not need parental consent to access these medications. This opens up a broad scope for abuse that underage girls can be given the abortion pill without following up potential sexual abuse and sending her back into devastating circumstances at times without proper care and legal authority to protect her.
Further disturbing is the false claim that the abortion pill cannot be reversed. There are a multitude of studies which prove that when given progesterone after having taken the first regimen of the abortion pill, the pregnancy can be saved with no harm to the baby.
Abortion Pill Taking the Abortion Pill May Be Just the Beginning of Your Problems – ProLifeDoc
Abortion Pill Reversal: Abortion Pill Reversal: It’s Not Too Late To Save Your Baby – ProLifeDoc
In PEI the following statistics for abortion are:
2017 – 170 children lost their lives
2018 – 205 babies lives were ended
2019 – 225 human lives were ended
2020- 252 human lives were ended
Euthanasia– this is the active killing of a person. It is administered by a medical professional in Canada and is subject to certain conditions. In 2016 Canada initiated access to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) with the choice of euthanasia by the hand of a health practitioner or physician assisted suicide which is performed by the individual but assisted by the health professional by providing medication ad means.
The data gathered from individual provinces for 2022 indicates that nationally there will likely be an increase in euthanasia of more than 30% (10,064 in 2021) representing more than 13,000 euthanasia deaths in 2022.
We have gone from Bill C-14 in 2016 which allowed “individuals aged 18 or older who have capacity to consent and who have a grievous and irremediable medical condition and whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable to access MAID, provided that certain additional requirements are metThe Code provisions related to MAID were amended again in 2021 by Bill C-7, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) to allow individuals with a grievous and irremediable medical condition but whose natural death is not reasonably foreseeable to access MAID. There is now a track “1” and track ‘2” path to ending one’s life. The point of note is that the intended safeguards are being successively removed to allow for the most liberal access to euthanasia in the entire world. Presently the Canadian Senat is debating on allowing access to the mentally ill, mature minors and by advanced directive. Each of these places the aspect of consent under risk of abuse as severs doubt exists if any in these groups can actually consent. This past fall there has also been a call from Quebec to euthanize babies born with disabilities to one year of age.
PEI Life and all who support LIFE in all its stages are against placing the right to kill in anyone’s hands- simply put, we do not agree that death can be the answer to human suffering. It does not eliminate suffering, it eliminates the sufferer.
For the most up to date information see: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Euthanasia Prevention Coalition | Building a broad based network to oppose euthanasia & assisted suicide worldwide. (
An excellent resource is: Fatal Flaws Who decides how we end our lives? FATAL FLAWS: LEGALIZING ASSISTED DEATH – FULL DOCUMENTARY – YouTube and the Euthanasia Deception documentary available at: The Euthanasia Deception DVD ENGLISH | Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (