This generous grant is awarded annually to a young woman who has chosen LIFE for her baby and who wishes to further her education.
The gift of LIFE and pursuit of education should never stand in conflict with one another. Our aim is to help women with this goal in mind.
As a s single parent it gets hard trying to support yourself, kids, and education all at the same time, I sometimes get mom guilt when I decide to do something for myself for once. This bursary will ensure that my tuition is covered, and I am able to complete the program without any hiccups. This is my dream and I will strive to ensure that I achieve it.
Education is especially empowering for girls and women. Mothers who can make better decisions for their families can deeply impact the push out of poverty.
Help a mom choose LIFE and Education by donating to our bursary program, by becoming a monthly donor, or by sharing this opportunity. You can help as an individual or as a community by sponsoring a bursary in part and or in whole! Talk to us today about how we can partner together. You can help make a young mom’s dream come true.
Please contact us if you would like to know more or apply for this. The bursary is awarded as needed and providing funds are available. It can be applied for at anytime.
Below is a full description of the requirements for this generous bursary. Applications can be submitted via email to office@peilife.org,or mailed to PEI Life Association, PO Box 1988, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N7.
We ask YOU, our supporters, to speak out, advertise and reach out to anyone you may know and encourage her to submit an application. Education of mind and heart is the way to change the world so that all may know, love saves lives.
Would you consider supporting our bursary program? We would love to be able to offer more opportunities for growth, confidence and independence for new moms who are saying yes to LIFE by helping them achieve their dreams. Their gift of LIFE is so valuable to all of us on PEI . When we support a mom pursuing her education, we give the gift of a life-time learning for her and for her children. Everyone wins! Please see our donate page for options of how to invest “in the life of a mom and child”.